Well, I’m off to corporate hq in Chicago to get schooled in the ways of sales. Definitely not my bag, but I am willing to hold the bag. At least for a little while.
Life in Chattanooga: Ramblings of a stay-at-home dad, pastor's husband, brother, son, all around silly guy, schmuck, and whatever else you’d like to call me.
Well, I’m off to corporate hq in Chicago to get schooled in the ways of sales. Definitely not my bag, but I am willing to hold the bag. At least for a little while.
Have fun! And remember to tip your hotel shuttle driver. 😉
“Here we are 160 miles from Chicago, we have full tank of gas, we have a half a pack of cigarettes, its dark, and we are wearing sun glasses.”
“So Step on It.”
Chicago a burg of Milwaukee, hope you are having a great corporate experience.
Your Fatherly Unit