First off, I am not a fan of the Anaheim Ducks whatsoever. I am more of a fan of the sport of hockey than anything (and a big fan of the home team as well). But I must say some things about the NHL playoffs that no other sport playoff series has.
Whenever I watch the playoffs and the finals no matter who wins the whole process brings a tear(s) to my eyes. Hockey is the only sport that has the hand-shaking thing. Reminiscent of little league games it’s great to see opponents shake hands and hug (as manly as possible)after a rough series. Especially after contentious moments.
It’s hard work and whoever ends up winning gets my respect. One of my favorite teams to have won the cup was the Carolina Hurricanes. I had the pleasure of working in the RBC Center and for the ‘canes before it was the RBC Center. Always a fan even though I have since moved from Raleigh and am in Nashville and am a fan of my home team.
Congratulations to the Ducks. And to the Predators, there’s always next year.
I agree. I have a tendency to cry when it’s all done and the handshaking is going on. The grueling four-round run, the inner and physical toughnes required, and then the emotions that follow … This year I was thrilled to see Selanne get the Cup.