mmmmm . . . tooools . . .

This is going to sound a little funny, especially after that last post, but I love tools. I know, it sounds manly and macho. I have always been into gadgets (even though I can’t afford them) and I think tools fall into that realm.

Mac Tools is in the Gaylord Opryland this weekend and I went down to the exhibit hall the other day. I saw all of their tool boxes and tool accessories in all of their diamond plated grandeur. Mac Tools definitely has some corporate drone thing going on because when I was climbing around in the Delta Ballroom ceiling the other day I was being brainwashed by their rehearsal sounds of team and we’re going to win. Is this some sort of Amway scam for boys and their tools?

My Own Private Idaho

Well, not a whole private state, state of being or otherwise. Just a room. Where I can put up my hockey/green bay packer/beer paraphernalia and the Holy Elder Extroverted One need not worry about the general public witnessing that part of my somewhat man-ness.

I didn’t want to suggest the move upstairs. At least, out loud. But, this move does make a little more flexibility with a room downstairs and makes a little better use of space upstairs. This may seem like some sort of den of testosterone that I can escape to so I can feel more like a man and not a father/husband. It’s not. It is going to be more of a place to exercise my introvertedness (Like I need any help with that!). I don’t need to retreat from being a father/husband because I love being those things. I wasn’t much of a manly man before marriage and fatherhood so it’s not me trying to get those things back. I guess I need a place to decompress after a day of dealing with stuff/people at work.

I don’t get to climb the stairs (into my hole of solitude) very often because of other responsibilities and that’s okay. It sure is nice when it happens. Which is where I find myself at this moment. A much needed day off of work and home alone. I have things that need my attention but I have some time right now to do some chilling out, reading blogs and writing one. Not a good one mind you. More like blogorrhea which is more of a problem for you because you’re reading this. This is the fruit of my introverted den of lonliness. Enjoy!

Morning Me Time . . . SHATTERED

I am a morning person. I, however, am not a morning people person. I get my cup of coffee, sit down and perch my feet up on the desk and read the blogs that I enjoy reading.

This morning was a little different. It started out the way it should. Me + coffee + my mac + internets = introverted bliss. All of a sudden out of the darkness into the halo of my desk lamp steps the Young Extroverted One. Sleepy-eyed and bed-headed she silently climbed into my lap and just cuddled. That’s it. Sigh . . . now that is how I could spend my mornings for the rest of my life.

New Year Blankness

I’ve been reading all these blogs with New Year’s resolutions listed and some blogs wonderfully written on the newness of a new year. Me? I got nothing. It’s not that I don’t want to write something cool for the new year it’s just that I’m drawing a complete blank on what to write about.

I guess I could write a little bit about how I have found a comfortable spot with my interim rigging supervisor position. But then again, that won’t last because the real one comes back on the 8th.

I could write about the wonderful Christmas expressions of joy that the Young Extroverted One gave during the holiday. How she got the stuffed leopard that she wanted from Santa and a really cool bicycle from mom and dad.

All of these are good things to write about but my creativity for the new year is null. Probably because I’ve been working so much and now things are a little calm at work. Now, I can sit back and reflect. Maybe this has turned out to be a list of things for me to write about when I get the chance/inspiration. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Whew, I feel better now.

New Year Blankness

I’ve been reading all these blogs with New Year’s resolutions listed and some blogs wonderfully written on the newness of a new year. Me? I got nothing. It’s not that I don’t want to write something cool for the new year it’s just that I’m drawing a complete blank on what to write about.

I guess I could write a little bit about how I have found a comfortable spot with my interim rigging supervisor position. But then again, that won’t last because the real one comes back on the 8th.

I could write about the wonderful Christmas expressions of joy that the Young Extroverted One gave during the holiday. How she got the stuffed leopard that she wanted from Santa and a really cool bicycle from mom and dad.

All of these are good things to write about but my creativity for the new year is null. Probably because I’ve been working so much and now things are a little calm at work. Now, I can sit back and reflect. Maybe this has turned out to be a list of things for me to write about when I get the chance/inspiration. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Whew, I feel better now.

The Reality of Santa Claus and Parenthood

My wife, the Elder Extroverted Holy One, pointed out a realization she made last night with some friends. WE are the parents! WE have to do all that Santa Claus stuff! ZOINKS!

Geez, I thought all that stuff was going to end up under the tree by the time we all wake up on Christmas morning. What? I have to put a bike together at 3:00 in the morning!?! Huh? Presents have to remain hidden until Christmas eve? I understand that the unreality of the St. Nick has been my reality for a long time now. But it just occurred to us that now the Young Extroverted One is at that age of Christmas magic. And that WE are the ones who have to perpetuate that magic. Which is cool and fine with me but that should have been on the parenting syllabus. Now I feel so overwhelmed and not quite ready for this Christmas magic to happen.

I suppose as long as the YEO experiences this holidy magic it’ll be just fine. Just can’t let her see us sweatin’ it!

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!?

So . . . this new rigging gig.

Um . . . yeah.

My rigging supervisor takes off for a pilgrimage to Haifa and I’m stuck here doing his job. Ordering labor, messing around with CAD drawings, dealing with rigging advances and the questions. Oh gosh, the questions! I’ve only learned a small amount of rigging knowledge and I am barraged by questions! Ugh.

All this stuff for one guy (me) plus, the Pam Tillis show coming out and cheerleaders with New Years Eve celebrations moving in. You might as well count me out for the Christmas season. I’ll just go ahead and go shopping for gifts after the mad holiday rush. Maybe I can get deals on returned stuff!

Merry AfterChristmas!

We Celebrate Whose Birthday?

Just a quick observation to ponder . . . What is the connection between some churches and Santa Claus? I’ve seen several Baptist churches advertising breakfast with Santa?!? And then I read some blogs about the same here, here, here and here. The last three describing a breakfast with Santa accompanied by photos that occurred at the Otter Creek Church.

I don’t have a problem with the jolly, old elf. Nor do I have problems with pictures of kids and the guy. They’re kind of funny. But this whole blending of Santa with the birth of Jesus. What are we REALLY celebrating here? I don’t get it.

Any thoughts?

Nature Calls

Last night while the Elder Extroverted Holy One was letting the dogs out (yes, dogs plural. That’s another post) she noticed some movement into a tree. She wasn’t quite sure what it was so she asked the Young Extroverted One to get me. There we were, shivering in the cold peering up into a tree. When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness I spotted an owl! An owl in our semi-urban East Nashville yard!?! It was quite a site, us looking at her and she looking at us. As I crept closer with the YEO in my arms and a laser pointer to make sure that YEO did indeed see the owl (I was careful not to get the owl in her huge eyes) she flew off to the next yard and perched upon another tree to keep an eye on us. But the cold was too much and we rushed back inside.

On further investigation, because I’ve lost my art of bird identification, we found that the owl was a Barred Owl Strix varia. *As an aside, I had a Botany professor that told me it’s not about remembering ALL of the indentifications. Just knowing where to look it up.* Reading the description of habitat makes it even more strange that she was in our yard. YEO was very excited about the siting. She pretended to be an owl and told stories of owl visitations at her school during naptime. And then she passed out possibly dreaming of owls.